Our story
Special features started when I found a red birch years ago. I read about this natural genetic miracle and its discovery site in Ylikiiming, near Oulu, where it was discovered in the 1970s. All the red birches we see have now been cloned from this naturally mutated red birch, which is now more than 30 years old. There are only a few places where these have reached adulthood and reproduced independently.
So the story started with a red birch and on my trips to Norway I found a red beech and my journey ended in the rabbit hole. For years now, I have been enthusiastic about planting all kinds of red-leaved trees and bushes on my plot.
A few years ago I also wanted a gray color for the winter and I started researching conifers, as you might expect, there are mutations in conifers as well and they are wonderful! There are many shades of silvery bluish, even turquoise, all the way to different shades of green!
I've visited garden stores around the villages and in different countries, just to find out that it's difficult to find special seedlings, even though it's nice to stop by the stores.
I've also ordered plants online when the specialties have sometimes been so far away and it's worked out great.
All of this has led me to create and establish the Erikoistaimet.fi online store for special seedlings and a physical pick-up store on my plot in Porvoo (only open as agreed for the time being).
As a result of my years of hunting for specialties, I now offer these wonderful plants under one "roof", easily and effortlessly by ordering from the online store or by coming to Porvoo as agreed on the spot!
I hope to see more color and special plants in people's yards on my future trips to Finland!
The knowledge that every plant I sell adds comfort and diversity to people's gardens for generations to come brings a big smile and joy to me!