The roots of some of our plants have been given a mycorrhizal treatment or placed in soil with this growth-promoting miracle ready!
Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis formed by a plant's root and a fungus, thanks to which the plant's root surface area increases. In this way, the plant's intake of water and nutrients is enhanced and the plant lasts
different stressful situations, for example drought and diseases.
Mycorrhiza is used when planting plants. Mycorrhiza increases the plant's root surface area and the plant's capacity to take in and use nutrients and water.
What mycorrhiza gives plants:
1. better water supply (better drought resistance)
2. better availability of nutritional components, including poorly absorbed ones such as phosphorus and iron
3. multiplies the absorbent surface of the root system and stimulates root growth
4. higher active and passive resistance against root pathogens such as phytophthora, fusarium and others
5. better flowering, fertility, condition and vibrant appearance
6. less sensitivity to environmental stresses such as: unsuitable pH, salinity, stagnant water or toxic compounds
The majority of all plants form a symbiosis with the so-called fungal root, i.e. mycorrhiza. The plant gives the fungus sugars, and the mushroom root gives the plant nutrients, especially phosphorus, and water. The mushroom root also protects plants from plant diseases. By utilizing beneficial soil microbes, dead plant waste can be efficiently broken down into humus and back into usable nutrients for the plant. Fresh growing medium completely lacks these important soil microbes. In connection with new sowings, rooting of seedlings and planting of trees and shrubs, it is advisable to add these beneficial microbes to the growing medium to help with a strong start to growth